1. Visitors are welcome to consult our archive by appointment on Mondays and Tuesdays. Write to af@ificantdance.org.

      If I Can't Dance's archive consists of photo- video- and audio-documentation of the performances and works we have produced and presented, reports and transcriptions of lectures, press material, printed matter and more. We also have a growing library of books on the artists we have worked with and on performance art and theory.

      We strongly value the preservation and disclosure of archival material of our activities, since many of our projects are restricted by the bounds of the ephemeral medium of performance art. Our archive has been organized thanks to the invaluable help of Kelly Kivland, Lauren von Gogh and Marleen Özgür, and is maintained by Anik Fournier.
    2. Visit Archive

        If I Can't Dance,
        I Don't Want to Be Part of
        Your Revolution