1. Introduction
      2. Trajectory
      3. Texts
      4. Documentation
      Sara van der Heide


      1. Van der Heide S., Mother Earth Breathing, If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution, Amsterdam 2014
      1. 'Mother Earth Breathing', Sara van der Heide, Performance Days; Ruysdaelkade 2, Amsterdam, 29 and 30 November 2014. Photography: Kyle Tryhorn.
      1. Filmstills taken from 'Mother Earth Breathing: The Garden', Sara van der Heide, (HD/2K, 69 min.), 2014
      1. 'Midsummer Night', Sara van der Heide at Emma’s, VU Hortus, Amsterdam, 21 June 2014. Photography: Kyle Tryhorn.
      1. 'Mother Earth’s Breathing (Triangle, Square and Circle)' Sara van der Heide, OCAT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, 16 November 2013.
    1. Sara van der Heide is one of four artists commissioned by If I Can't Dance to produce a new work as part of Edition V – Appropriation and Dedication (2013–2014).

      With her new work Sara van der Heide aspires to acknowledge those processes that are rarely appreciated within present value systems focused on linear growth and material gain. Her ambitious research derives from a sense of urgency and commitment that the artist feels towards attempting to make a paradigm shift.
      If I Can't Dance,
      I Don't Want to Be Part of
      Your Revolution